Recent Replies

  • Replying to: @drwalt

    @drwalt Mustaches were OK. Goose Gossage and Sparky Lyle both pushed the envelope with the biggest FuManchus they could grow. Don Mattingly always had the neatest mustache of all.

  • Replying to: @AdamChandler

    @AdamChandler I won't use apps at all to order food. It's just another gigantic personal info grab. But honestly, I don't eat very much fast food at all. And I brew my own coffee in the morning. These are the pleasures of being retired. And I'm already old!

  • @manton @Mtt I am still noticing that the new Summary feature is not playing well with the "more" tag. I like the more tag because it shortens the amount of scrolling one has to do on the home page, but when I use it, the Summary feature will only use the first 100 or so words in the timeline as the summary no matter what I actually type in the box. Recommendations? Tiny theme user.

  • Replying to: @Mtt

    @Mtt Well that's above and beyond the call of duty, but who am I to say no? 🙂

  • Replying to: @AdamChandler

    @AdamChandler I certainly think you're right about that. People seem to prefer eating their combo meals driving at 65MPH rather than sitting for 20 minutes to eat their food. I wonder if that's a post-Covid effect.

  • Replying to:

    @AdamChandler I dunno. I no longer think of Starbucks as a place to sit and drink good coffee any more than I think of McDonald's as a place to sit and enjoy a good hamburger. When you used the anacronym POS I did not initially think "point of sale."

  • Replying to:

    @Mtt OMG This is terrific! Makes checking things for my baseball blog so much easier! Can you do the 25-man roster when the season starts? (he humbly wondered)

  • Replying to: @drwalt

    @drwalt How snowed in are you?

  • Replying to: @liana

    @liana The go-to was Schaefer. I am no longer sure who makes fountain pens anymore. The least messy style would be a Schaefer cartridge pen. You inserted a small cartridge of ink into the body of the pen and screwed it back together. That would pierce a small hole at the bottom of the cartridge, which would allow the ink to flow into the paper. Prepare for the possibility of leaks. The "badge of shame" was the blue stain flowing on your white shirt from your shirt pocket.

  • Replying to: @liana

    @liana I'm of the fountain pen generation, both cartridge and inkwell. Perhaps you'd like to give that a try for the experience.

  • @manton @mtt The use of the new Summary feature and its relation to the <!--more--> tag is confusing. I use the <!--more--> tag so that people who are not on aren't confronted with the entire post on my home page feed, which makes it easier to scroll the feed. But when I use the tag, the Summary feature on my timeline seems to default automatically to the first few sentences, no matter what I write in the Summary box, or if the Summary is AI-generated. Take the <!--more--> tag away, and the Summary as I've edited it (either written or generated) returns. Any explanation of this behavior would be appreciated. FWIW I use Tiny Theme for all three blogs along with Sidebar.

  • Replying to: @manton

    @manton Thank you!